Norwegian Adjuster Member of International Association of Average Adjusters

+47 907 75 961

Andreas Nesheim

Dispasjør / Average Adjuster

Services includes

Adjustments and opinions relative to:

  • General Average

  • Collision settlements

  • Hull insurance

  • Loss of hire

  • Builders risk

  • Energy insurance

  • War risk insurance

Andreas Nesheim was appointed dispasjør 20.12.2023
Andreas was officially appointed Dispasjør by
the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security 
Andreas Nesheim forsikret Hans-Petter Aasen at han vil dispasjere i samsvar med lov og rett.
The Ministry stated:
Nesheim has, in addition to a legal civil service examination (Cand. Jur) from the University of Oslo, long and wide experience in maritime law and marine insurance.

Nesheim was sworn in on Wednesday 20 December,
according to the rules in the Courts Act and the Maritime Act.

Average Adjusters

Average Adjusters are experts in marine insurance and law, who may be appointed by any party in a marine claim or dispute.

Irrespective of the identity of the instructing party, the Average Adjuster is bound to act in an impartial and independent manner. The average adjuster shall not make any arbitration award, but merely give his opinion as to how he believes the claims settlement should be effected. Experience shows that this provision has had a litigation-deterring effect, because the assured will often accept the opinion of the average adjuster he has designated himself even if he does not support his claim. The insurer too will normally accept an average adjuster’s decision that is not in his favour.

  • The Average Adjuster in
    The Nordic Marine Insurance Plan

    Clause 5-2. Claims adjustment

    The insurer shall issue the claims adjustment as promptly as possible. The insurer may give responsibility for drafting the adjustment to an average adjuster.


    If the assured does not accept the insurer’s adjustment, the assured as well as the insurer may demand that the adjustment be submitted to a Nordic average adjuster for its opinion before the dispute is brought before the court. The average adjuster shall be chosen by the assured. If the assured fails to appoint an adjuster, the insurer may appoint the adjuster.


Dokkveien 1

+47 907 75 961